Voer de Bij Bij (FEED THE BEES)

On 22 April, it is National Seeding Day. Will you help with feeding the pollinators? Start sowing!

National Seeding Day
Every year on 22 April, we feed the bee and create extra attention to pollinating insects. We help insects by opening thousands of individual Food Banks for Bees throughout the Netherlands (and Belgium). Here you can pick up native, toxin-free flower seeds and join hundreds of thousands of households in sowing them on 22 April. In your garden, in tree beds in the street, or on your balcony. And then it’s waiting for the seeds to bloom and flower. Together we will make a huge feast for pollinators. Join us!

This is how you can help us feed the bees

Are you working for an organisation?
Join the National Seed Coalition with your company or organisation.

Become a food bank for bees
Distribute free native flower seeds in your area. Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll let you know when registration opens for food banks:

Sow in your neighbourhood on 22 April
Sow with us in April. Sign up for the newsletter and we’ll let you know where and when you can pick up flower seeds:

food banks
Are you signed up as a Food Bank for Bees? Click here to log in and manage your food bank. You can change your details, view contact requests and manage your flower seed stock.
Sow seeds, save bees
Our impact: this was Voer de Bij Bij 2023
Companies and organisations
Companies and organisations form the National Seed Coalition and helped make the campaign possible.
Food banks for bees
Distributed 60,000 bags of native poison-free flower seeds in the Netherlands and Flanders.
Square metre of flowers
Thousands of people sowed on National Sowing Day on 22 April.

Green seeding caravan
Toured Northwest Overijssel together with Nature for Each Other.

“Feed the bees”
-Waldemar Torenstra